And The Surrounding District

Gullet Quarry 1918 (Courtesy  -  Mary Weaver)

Gullet Quarry

Photos courtesy Stuart Holland  

The Gullet Quarry in 1954. The area is now encompassed by the lake. Photographs taken by Birmingham Post and Mail newspaper when my grandfather was proprietor of the quarry.

Gullet in 1972 when it was still in operation. They might provide a trigger for some memories. The pictures were taken by Dave Bullard who was carrying out research for a PhD on the geology of the northern Malverns.


Rose Arno " Dorothy Baldwin's father worked there, possibly after 1957. I know he had an accident at the quarry and had to retire. "

Stuart Holland, " Bert Baldwin was I believe concerned with blasting during my grandfathers time and afterwards. I am still alive and kicking at 70 and living in Colwall. "

Rose Arno,  "Dorothy looked after me when I was little - I still go and see her when I'm in Castlemorton. I remember her dad sitting in the corner of the room.."

Don Loader "  My Dad worked at the Quarry "

Ken Dawe " Geoff Dalley's workshop later, Billy Howells, Ken Jakeman, Bill Hall, how you doing Stu ? "

Stuart Holland " Good to see your comments Ken.Others who worked at the Quarry were Len Wright ,Bill Lee ,Graham Loader ,Ken Voce,and Bert Baldwin .Bert and Graham did the blasting.Hope you are well. "

Andy Dalley " Geoff is my uncle & Bill was another of my uncles. Remember going to the quarry on the back of my Dad’s BSA and Geoff did some welding on it at the Quarry. "

Ken Dawe They worked the quarry back into the hill for many years at ground level, then they were prevented from going any further so they started to dig down & eventually formed the hole you see now, whilst they were working the quarry they used pumps to keep it dry, once they finished quarrying & removed the pumps it soon filled up, it was later landscaped & a run off formed which keeps the water levels as they are now, they had not started to dig down when the photo was taken"

John Cook " my grandfather worked the Malvern quarry he did the blasting. "

Blaster Bill